The AfricaN Technology Leader

Foremost Startup ⚒️& Talent 📟 aggregator democratizing luck in Africa.

About us


We are the foremost Startup ⚒️& Talent 📟 aggregator and support platform democratizing luck in Africa. Organizers of the Africa Startup Festival & Africa Technology Expo.

We are very happy to partner with Spark for the Africa Technology Expo, they are doing a lot to support talents and startups in Africa, like who wouldn’t want to partner for a god cause. Kudos Spark

Africa is the hub of ideas and innovative businesses. Talents and startups springing up here are distinctive and It is amazing what Spark is doing to groom and help these outstanding innovations.

It is amazing seeing how Spark and the Africa Technology Expo team are getting the required spotlight it deserves, it is on the course of sustainability.

Events by Spark is where you should be if you’re an African looking to build the next big thing. It’s time for us to support African ideas and talents. Well done Spark